Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey guys, just updating to let you all know about the High School Based Pep Rally coming up. This event is open to EVERYBODY so Joe and I encourage you all to come out and let people know more about this awesome program.

Where: St. Rose of Lima
3216 Lawrence Ave E
Scarborough, ON
When: October 25, 2008 - 10AM - 3PM
Who: Everyone!
Cost: $4.00

Spread the word and bring your friends!
Take care, God bless! <3

Monday, October 6, 2008


It's that time of year again!

CFC - YFC Metro East Cluster 2 Presents:


"and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness."
Acts 14:17

WHEN?: Friday, November 21 - Sunday, November 23, 2008
WHERE?: Shadow Lake Centre (Rides can be provided)
COST?: $70 ! (includes food and accomodation)
BRING?: Snacks/water bottles, toiletries & shower slippers, sleeping bag, pillows, casual attire, Bible, Rosary, notebook, pen, flashlight!

For more information contact the Camp Leaders Monalyn Quelnat ( and Joseph Franco ( or any of the C2 chapterheads.

Forms are on their way!

Invite! Invite! Invite!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Hello hello hello guys. I'm excited to announce that it is camp season once again! It's time to invites our brothers and sisters who are not yet part of this wonderful community and give them a chance to find God in a brand new way for them!

NOV. 21st-23rd, 2008
Shadowlake Centre

Any questions or concerns contact the Camp Leaders

Joseph Franco

Monalyn Quelnat

When? Saturday September 27, 2008
Details TBA.

SO, next weekend will be a free one (except for the leaders, eheheheh) but the Office of Catholioc Youth (OCY) are holding an event that I strongly encourage everyone to attend if they have a chance.

St. Michael's Cathedral 160th Anniversary
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008 will mark the 160th anniversary of St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto. In recognition of this milestone, the Office of Catholic Youth, in partnership with St. Michael’s Cathedral, will be hosting a day of festivities, to which everyone is invited. Parishes are being encouraged to organize their own pilgrimages to the Cathedral for all parishioners. For parishes situated too far away to plan a walking pilgrimage, we suggest travelling together by TTC to St. Michael’s in time for the 5 pm Mass celebrated by Archbishop Collins.

An outdoor party with FREE food, beverages and live music will follow the 5:00 pm Mass

We are also encouraging groups or individuals to start their afternoon at the Office of Catholic Youth at the Newman Centre so that we may process together to the Cathedral.

Gathering @ the OCY / Neman Centre -- 2:00 pm

Procession to St. Michael's Cathedral -- 3:30 pm SHARP
Click here for map and procession route.

Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Collins -- 5:00 pm

Outdoor Party -- After Mass

Take Care, God bless!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hey guys! Praise God for the awesome GA (turned CGA..turned HHA) that we had on Saturday. Thank you also to SSW and SNW for crashing. HAHA, love you guys. It was so great seeing you all again. I missed worshipping with you guys! I'm glad the usual cycle of events is back in full swing. It's the start of a new school year and what better way to start it off than with your brothers and sisters in YFC. Let's make the most of this year, guys. In school and in service. :) All glory to God!

Alright, so this weekend we'll be having a Fellowship! Weird, I know but it works out. Trust me! ahah. While planning this event we figured that SSE hasn't been bowling in a loooong while's time to have a........

Where? All-Star Bowl (Danforth & Eglinton)
When? Saturday September 20, 2008
Time? 1PM - 3PM
How Much? I think a game is $2 and the shoes cost $3 to rent. So, bringing $10 should be enough unless you want to buy food or play more than just one game.
Directions? Take the 16 from Warden station and get off at Eglinton then walk towards All Star Bowl or take the 34 from Kennedy and get off at Danforth. EHEHEH.

Yaaaaayyy! I haven't been bowling in agessssss. This is gonna be awesomee! Eheheh.

Take care and God bless!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ladies and Gents, the details for our next event have been CONFIRMED! *shock and applause here* Yes, yes, yes. I know y'all been waitin on us to give ya the deets so here we gooooooooo:

What? General Assembly!
When? Saturday September 13th,2008
Time? 12:30PM - 5PM
Where? St. Rose of Lima
Why? Duh!!
How? Take any of the 54s (EXCEPT EXPRESS) from Lawrence Station and get off at Burnview Crescent!

Hope yalls can comeeeee! Great things will be happening so it's definitely not something you want to miss ;)

Any questions or concerns, you know where our emails are! (at the side--------->)

God bless! Hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You can't stop the beat!

Gooooood Mooooorning FELLAS and SHEILAS! Teeheehee, they say that in Australia. Wanna know how I know? Cause I'm Australian. Heh.
Joe and I have missed everyone all way too much. Come to think about it, a lot of you I haven't even seen since like..the very last time I saw you. Geez. So, we've come to realize that SSE is in serious need of an event. A REAL event. A GA event.

...Kay, so that didn't work out as well as it was supposed to ...but never-the-less, this weekend we'll be having..a.....GENERAL ASSEMBLY!!!

*insert ridiculously loud audience applause here*

*and here*

Yes, yes, yes my little pretties. Finally an event where we, as brothers and sisters, have an exciting assemble generally ;) Amazing, really.

The details are (dun dun dun) TBA (4eva) but it will be this Saturday September 13th, 2008. So, keep your saturday opeennn. Yeeeep.

Hope you guys are working hard in school. Don't worry only 9 months and 3 weeks a bit more to go! Hehehe. Don't slack! Be happy! Hang in there! Come to the GA! ;)

Take care and God bless, we'll see you soon! <3

Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey HEY hey! It's time for our annual............GK WALK!

GK Walk (
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Nathan Philipps Sq. (Downtown, Toronto)
Time: 8am - 12pm

How do I register for the walk?
On-line: Go to our website You can pay your registration fee with your credit card and start soliciting online via e-mail.

By Mail: You can also download and print the registration form. Submit your completed registration form and enclose your cheque payment (no cash) to:

GK Walk 2008
ANCOP International (Canada), Inc.
7025 Tomken Rd, Unit 271
Mississauga ON. L5S 1R6

Please allow 2-3 weeks to receive your registration acknowledgement and GK Walk Fundraising Package.

In Person:
Bring your registration form together with your payment to the following locations:
Toronto ANCOP International (Canada), Inc.
7025 Tomken Rd, Unit 271
Mississauga ON L5S 1R6
Tel. No. (905) 564-8539

Couples for Christ (CFC) Office
156 Shorting Road
Scarborough ON M1S 3S6
Tel. No. (416) 321-1937

Through your group: (For ANCOP-GK Partners)
Submit your form through your group's GK Walk Coordinator.

This is an event for everybody so invite your family, friends, and anyone else who wants to come! We'll see you there!

Any questions or concerns, you know how to get at us!
(and if you don't..our emails are at the side...)

God Bless!